Housatonic Habitat for Humanity and Clark Construction of Ridgefield, Inc. , are pleased to announce their upcoming materials drive, Contractor Roundup, this October and November at Ring's End in Wilton.
Contractor Roundup, an initiative to collect construction materials to be sold at the Danbury Housatonic Habitat for Humanity ReStore, is a unique opportunity for contractors and homeowners to donate unused items to a great cause.
It will be held on Thursdays (Oct 26th, Nov 2, 9, & 16) from 8AM-1PM, and Saturdays (Oct 28, Nov 4, 11, & 18) from 9AM-12PM
Rings End in Wilton, 129 Danbury Rd, Wilton, CT 06897
What can you bring?
Where can you get more info?
Call Briana Varrone at Clark Construction (203) 431-2699 or givingback@clarkconstruction.net
Want to volunteer?
Call Housatonic Habitat at (203) 744-1340, or email info@housatonichabitat.org
Want to arrange a pick up for the Danbury ReStore?
(This can be within the Contractor Roundup Season, or before or after!
Call Housatonic Habitat at (203) 744-1340, or email info@housatonichabitat.org
What's the Back Story?
Ross Clark, CEO of Clark Construction has spearheaded the return of Contractor Round up. "We held Contractor Roundup for a couple of years, pre Covid; Now that things are getting back to "normal", we wanted to bring it back.
The first two years of Contractor Roundup raised awareness about the Re-Store and provided an opportunity for contractors and homeowners to donate new or gently used items instead of sending them to landfills.
Ross's vision is that, moving forward, both his fellow contractors and homeowners alike will remember that they have the option to donate to ReStore – "to reuse and recycle”, both during the year and at these annual events.
Beyond just this year, he plans to expand the reach of Contractor Roundup, setting up similar drives in other communities, as well as ensuring that it continues annually here in Ridgefield/Wilton.
The revenues from the Restore allow Habitat for Humanity chapters, to fund house builds, and to work side by side with lower income families to build affordable homes which are sold to them with 0% mortgages.
It's amazing the value of the materials we pull out of job sites and would otherwise discard can be captured, and can make such a difference to families in our communities.
Items collected included dozens of bathroom and kitchen faucets, over a dozen sinks and toilets, Andersen windows and window casings, vanities, cabinets, storm doors, lighting fixtures, tools and hundreds of pieces of cabinet hardware.
"Clark Construction is taking a leadership role in developing what we hope will be an annual materials raising event, going forward. By leveraging their reputation within the building community, Ross and his team were able to reach out and broaden the market awareness of our ReStore", said Fran Normann, former Affiliate Director of Housatonic Habitat for Humanity.
Current Executive Director, Kristen Keil says " We can't do this kind of thing without volunteers, so a BIG thank you in advance to our volunteers for their support of the event and the many companies and individuals who will be donating items. "
"We would also like thank our other local community supporters: Rings End, EZ Services, Castelli Landscaping and Construction, Minuteman Printing, Maldon Cabinetry, Inc. & Deliberate Media, Inc. for their help in making this event a huge success”, she added.
What is Habitat all about?
Housatonic Habitat for Humanity is dedicated to making a meaningful difference in the lives of qualified working families by promoting financial stability and self-sufficiency through ownership of affordable homes.
This year marks Housatonic Habitat for Humanity’s 30th anniversary of bringing people from all walks of life together to build and repair homes, communities and hope. To learn more about Housatonic Habitat for Humanity, call (203)744-1340, email info@housatonichabitat.org, or visit them at www.housatonichabitat.org.